Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How Do They Do It?

I think my ADD is going to show a little here.... I apologize.

I am #2 years old and I suppose I still haven't decided what I want to be "when I grow up."  When is that anyway?  When are we "grown up?"  When we are making money doing what we had previously decided what we were "going to be?"   Well, then I know a lot of people who still haven't grown up... and I'm the leader of the pack!

When I was a little girl I wanted to be a Lawyer and a College English Literature Professor.  I wanted to be a Lawyer so I could wear one of those cool looking suits that make your legs look long and sexy, and I could put the bad guys behind bars and help the good guys win.  I wanted to be an English Lit teacher because I wanted to read all day and write novels at night; and I wanted to read what others have written (sort of like spying) and help them become better writers.  (I wish I had gone to college instead of putting my ex-husband through college... which he never completed... of course! Arg!)

Like every one else in the world, life has thrown me a bunch of curve balls.  Some I have dodged and handled fairly well.  Others have hit me square in the face, right between my eyes.  I'm still reeling at several of the latest balls thrown.  One of which is my getting re-married.  Which I swore I would never do.  But...I did and I love my husband.  He is amazing and he loves me more than any man has ever loved me or ever will love me.  Problem?  He works out of state.  So, the joke is on me!  I'm basically a single mom with 4 girls at home who rely on me for everything.  And I have a husband that I see once, twice if I'm lucky, each month for two to three days. 

For those of you who have been reading my blog regularly you know that I've been working on some projects trying to earn some extra money for the family.  I don't want to be rich, I just want to have money in the bank.  Eventually I'll have to pay for 4 girls to go to college (starting in 2 years!), 4 girls to get married, and retirement.  Those things aren't cheap!  It would be nice if we could retire and I could actually get to know my husband on a daily basis.  That's not asking too much right?

So, today I guess I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed....and unsure of what to do next.

I come across at least 10 articles on the web each day that amaze me.  People all over the world are writing and publishing so much information and I want to learn it all.  And I'm wondering how does someone write an entire blog about one topic and not duplicate what someone else has written?  How do 10 people write an article about the exact same thing and not duplicate each other?  Never in the history of the world has so much information been so readily available.

I came across the site The Future of Ink and I wish I had time to sit and read the entire thing.  I wish I had time every day to read about all of the things that I want to write about.  I wish I had time to redo my short story.  I wish I had time and skill to write what I have in my head.  I wish I could get my mind to focus on one thing long enough to actually write anything worth reading.  I wish I could decide if I want my life to relove around real estate or writing.  I wish I knew if real estate or writing would make me more money and help my family out of these desperate times.  I wish, I wish, I wish!  Where is my magic ball tonight?

Does everyone else in the world really only have 24 hours in a day like I do?  How do other single moms make time to go to work, clean the house, cook dinner, help with homework, settle arguments, take care of a dog, fish, frog and cat, do laundry, and start 2 new businesses?  I know they do!  What am I doing wrong that I can't accomplish as much as other mom's out there?  I need a personal coach.  HELP!  I want so much more out of life than I'm getting.  I know it's up to me to make it happen.  I just don't know where to start.  Does anyone else feel the same way?

As I'm sitting here piano practice is going on, one is yelling that she's starving to death, two are screaming at each other over something..... How do they do it???



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