Saturday, June 16, 2012


I want to write a novel.  I have an awesome idea for one, but I am not a writer.  I want to be, just like everyone else in the world.  How cool would it be to write a novel and have everyone read it and enjoy the story as much as you did when you created it? 

One of my favorite authors is Clair Poulson.  He is amazing!  I wish he would write my story for me.  I could give him the entire outline from start to finish and he could put it all the dialog and stuff that makes in more enjoyable to read.

Maybe this writing in the blog will get my creative juices flowing and I'll start to write again.  I have written a short story...see tabs above.  Would love to know what you think.

New Life

I heard that all very successfull people keep a journal.  Considering I usually only have time to write at weird times and places I figure I'll keep it online and use this blog for that purpose.  Again, I will only put up the good stuff or twist around the bad stuff to make it sound good.  So, if anyone wants to read this for sinister purposes...too bad!
So I had to shut the blog down because there are some not so nice people out there who were using my blog against me if you can believe it.  Be careful what you write!  In court it was actually printed and brought to show that my life wasn't so bad.  Really?  Single mom, 5 kids, no money...yep...easy life right?  Turns out that since I didn't write all the bad stuff they tried to make it out that I was doing pretty good.  Well, I've got news for everyone out there...I don't air my dirty laundry on my blog.  I use it for the good times and good things in life.  I use it as a positive way to get through each day.  So, you will only see the good stuff on my blog.  Or at least a positive twist on my life and that of my amazing children.  If you want the dirt...go somewhere else!



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