Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Facebook and Privacy Settings

Here is a post I didn't post because I know that there are a lot of people out there who would have something rude to say about it and I didn't want my post to become the next viral post to get a bunch of rude comments.  But I really do feel it needs to be said.

Since I can control the comments on my own blog I decided to write it here instead.  So, here is the unposted post:


This could start a firestorm, but I feel it must be said.  A bunch of my friends and family have been posting that privacy comment saying they will unfriend anyone who doesn't change their privacy settings...you know the one; and I just read a bunch of comments on the FB Q&A about how they are all upset that Facebook isn't private and how Facebook should be protecting our privacy.  Guess what!  Facebook isn't private, never was, and never will be.  And neither is the Internet.  Anything posted anywhere in "the cloud" can be seen, read, found....  If you don't want it seen, don't post it.  If you don't want it read, don't write it and post it online.  NO social media platform is private.  Don't be mad at Facebook because your comment or picture is seen by others....be mad at yourself for posting it.  I'm sick of hearing about how everyone is so upset that they posted something and it's all Facebooks fault that a bunch of people saw it.  Facebook didn't post it...you did!


I'm sure there are those that will have something to say about this.  Leave your comments if you would like.  I'll respect your opinion and would appreciate your respecting mine...even if we don't agree.

Here's the truth about privacy settings....


Saturday, February 16, 2013

What's Up with RED Peanut M&Ms?

I bought some peanut M&M's for an object lesson for my kids.  I also bought some plain M&M's to use in the lesson.  The lesson went well and the kids each participated.  (See Object Lesson Below) But, what confused me was the bag of Peanut M&M's.  Take a look at this and tell me if you see anything funny...

I opened the bag and had my girls sort them into jars.  I watched them and they did not eat any.  (Which I was surprised at, but they were excited for the lesson.)

Someone explain to me why there are about 11 Red, one jar of Orange, one jar of Brown, one jar and a little bit of Green, and Yellow and two full jars of Blue!  I think we got jipped out of some Red!

Here is the smaller bag of plain all sorted out.

As you can see there is a little more red than the others, but for the most part they are pretty equal.  I don't quite understand this, but I'm not going to buy more bags of candy to find out if this is always the case!


The lesson was about confidence.  Each of the girls choose a color and I gave them a little blurb to go along with it.  They were to then share any comments or examples they had about their topic.

ORANGE: Obedience

Confidence comes through making good choices over and over again. If you don’t believe me, think of this scenario: Have you ever passed a police officer when you were speeding or when your kids weren’t buckled? Compare that to passing him going the speed limit or when everyone was all buckled up properly. I bet you had more confidence as you passed him. And it is a lot less stressful isn’t it?

BLUE: Divine Nature

Knowing who you are and where you come from fosters confidence. Understanding your divine origin- that you are a literal child of God- that God is your Father- gives you security, certainty, perspective and purpose. It is empowering to know that God created us, loves us and trusts us.

BROWN: Doing Hard Things

Nothing builds confidence quite like doing something hard and making it through. My divorce and college graduation forever changed my level of confidence. To bring it to the kids level, I asked Elle, “How did you feel after you hiked Angel’s Landing?” When kids are pushed to do what they think they cannot do, they see themselves in a different light; their capacities increase and they learn to trust themselves.

GREEN: Learning New Skills

Every time you master a small skill your confidence grows. It could be just learning to tie your shoes or your multiplication facts, but the more skills you learn for yourself the more confident you are. And learning these skills takes practice- putting in your time; doing the work; you can’t be confident at a piano recital if you haven’t practiced.

RED: Physical Health

When you are stronger and healthier physically, you are stronger and healthier mentally. The spirit and the body are inextricably linked. When one is out of whack, the other suffers. Plus when you are physically healthy, you feel like you have the energy and capability to face whatever comes.

YELLOW: Looking Beyond Yourself

When you look beyond yourself to help and serve others, selfishness and self-absorption melt away. When you focus on others, you are less likely to think of your own weaknesses and your own shortcomings. And when you look for the good in others, you are more likely to see the good in yourself. Be kind and gentle with others and you will learn be kind and gentle with yourself.

This idea came from a cool blog I found called: "Raising Lemons"

The girls had a great time and we talked a lot.  One of the better lessons we have ever had!  Everyone had something to say and they have enjoyed having the peanut M&M's on the counter since.  No one has even tried or asked to eat them.  They are sitting there as reminder of a fun time we all had!

Try this at your house and tell me how it went!  And thanks "Raising Lemons" for the idea!


Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Mirror :: A Poem by my daughter

My 14 year old daughter is an AMAZING writer!  She really will be quite famous one day, I just know it!  Here is a poem she wrote yesterday, in about 5 minutes, during her Journalism Class at school.  She asked me if I would share it with all of you.

She would really love to hear what you think of her poem.  I think she doesn't believe me when I tell her how amazing she is, so please help me help my daughter love herself just a little more.


Why I QUIT the UBC!

Would love to connect with all of you.  Please leave your blog site below.  Looking forward to seeing you all at the next UBC where I HOPE to make it past Day 12!

PLEASE help me out and go like my Facebook pages:


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Also Join me on Twitter:


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Subscribe to our YouTube Channels here:


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Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

There's a Whole In My Bucket!

Everyone has the same amount of time every day.  24 hours, 1,440 minutes every single day.  So, how is it that there are people who can get more done in a day than others?  Well, I've found the answer!  There's in a while in my bucket of time!  Somewhere there are minutes seeping out a little at a time.

Okay, okay, I know that isn't true of course... but it feels like it.  Do you ever feel that you have so much to do you want to forgo sleep and food just to get caught up?  Like you looked at the clock only a few minutes ago, but now all of the sudden several hours have gone by.  It's very frustrating.

So, my question to you today is, how do you schedule your day so you can get everything done?  How do you catch up if you get behind?

Follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

P.S.  Found this super cute video today.  My kids have never heard this song.  LOL!  I remember singing it at camp every year.  There aren't very many videos out there of this song.  I may have my girls make one.  Pretty funny.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Short Story :: The Conversation

I've decided to share my short story for my blog post on this fine morning.  Would love to hear your thoughts.

The Conversation

"She cries.  All she does is cry."

"What are you talking about?  Who's crying?"

"That girl.  The one who was leaving here as you were coming in.  All she does is cry."

"I didn't see... Umm... Okay... What does she cry about?"

"I don't know what she's crying about.  That's the problem.  She doesn't talk anymore, she just cries."

"I'm confused.  What do you mean by 'she doesn't talk anymore?' Has she talked to you before?"

"Please, stop standing there in the doorway.  Come in and have a seat. I need your opinion anyway.  I'm at a total loss of what do do."

"Okay, go ahead.  Start from the beginning."

'Well, about a year ago this girl... let's call her Claire...

'Do you know anyone named Claire do you?

'Good, let's call her Claire.

'About a year ago, this girl... Claire, started coming to see me.  At first, she would talk to me about her family.  Her parents and brother died a short time before she stared coming.  I thought that was why she was here.  But, I'm not so sure about that now.

'She is very quiet and reserved.  It took her a while, but soon she stared giving me details about her childhood.  From what she told me, she grew up in a home nearby, had a loving family, and lived a very happy life, at least until the death of her family.  Her childhood is all she wants to talk about."

"That's sad.  Did she ever say anything about how her family died?"

"No. She seemed confused when I asked her about it.  She would just sit there with a blank look on her face for a bit, then just change the subject.  I don't think she is ready to deal with it yet. Even now, and like I said, I've been talking to her for about a year."

"Was her childhood the only thing she ever talked about?  What is she doing now?"

"At first it was.  Later, I was able to get her to tell me a little about what is happening in her life now.  She told me that she still lives in the home she grew up in.  The people that bought the house let her stay when they moved in.  Kinda strange really.

'Problem is, they essentially ignore her.  The only way she can get their attention is by playing the piano, loudly.  Sometimes they seem to hear her and respond, but most of the time, they act like she isn't even there."

"Really?  The piano you say?  Interesting.  So, when did she start crying?"

"It was about two months ago.  She was sitting where you are sitting now and she just started crying.

'Ha. Ha.  Very funny.  You don't need to move.  She didn't contaminate the couch or anything.

'Are you comfortable now?  Good.  Can I go on?"

"Sure, I'm listening.  But are you ever going to sit down or are you going to just keep pacing?"

"Anyway, I keep trying to get her to tell me why she's crying, but she never responds to me anymore.  After an hour, without a word, she gets up and walks to the door.  As I hold the door open for her, she walks right in front of me and looks me in the eyes for a few seconds.  Her eyes are so sad.  Then, she walks away.  I get the feeling I'm not helping her.  What do you think I should do?"

"We'll get to that later.  Tell me more about her appointments."

"Okay, well, she has been coming to see me every Tuesday morning at 9:00 for just over a year like I said.  She is my most reliable client.  The first time she came, she just showed up.  No appointment or anything.  My practice was still new so I was available.  I didn't even have a receptionist back then and had very few clients.

'She is here for every one of her appointments.  There has never been any discussion from either of us about her changing her visits."

"What is your opinion of her?"

"She is usually very calm and quiet.  She is not very talkative.  When I ask her about something she doesn't want to talk about, she changes the subject or acts like she didn't even hear me.

'She is sad and depressed for sure.  It's hearbreaking really.  I know she is a loving, kind, and gentle girl.

'I feel that more than anything, she just wants to be noticed and treated with kindness.  Heaven knows she isn't treated nicely where she lives.  She wants someone to talk to.  Someone who will listen to her and most importantly, respond to her."

"Does she talk about any other family besides her parents and brother?"

"No, she doesn't.  I know she misses them desperately."

"Tell me more about the people she lives with.  What does she do when she's at home?"

"She said the people aren't very kind to her.  They act like she isn't really there.  She will move something and they will move it back.  She tries to talk to them, but no one ever talks back to her.  Kind of rude if you ask me.  She feels like she's intruding sometimes.

'She doesn't spend much time with them.  She spends most of her time in her own room.  The same room that she has lived in her entire life.

'I asked her once why she has not moved somewhere else.  She said that she didn't feel like she can.  Like something is keeping her there.

'We didn't talk about it again after that.  Like I said, we generally talked about her childhood.  I think she feels closer to her family there and that's why she stays."

"Just out of curiosity, what happens when Claire comes to the office?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Humor me.  Is there anything unusual about her coming and going?"

"It's the usual thing that happens with other clients.  I get into the office at about 8:45, and on Tuesdays Claire is already waiting for me.  She waits in the lobby while I get my things put away then I call her into my office.  Then we talk...  At least we used to talk, now she just cries.

'Now that you mention it, there is one peculiar thing that happens.  Hazel, my receptionist, gives me this odd look when I call Claire in.  It's sort of a look of pity, or... is it compassion?  I've often wondered why she does that and what it means."

'Also, when Claire leaves, Hazel doesn't say good-bye to Claire.  When other clients leave Hazel looks up, smiles and says good-by.  But when I walk Claire out Hazel doesn't even look up.  I should ask her about that sometime."

"Ummm...actually, Hazel is why I'm here.  She called me because she is worried about you."

"Me?  Why me?  I'm fine.  It's Claire we should be worried about.  I mean, what can I do to help her?  Do I tell her I can't help her and send her to another doctor?  Or, do I let her keep coming and watch her cry?  I feel so helpless!"

"Calm down.  Let me tell you why Hazel called me.

'She wanted to talk to me about you...and um... Rachael."


"Rachael... The girl we've been talking about...Claire....  her real name is Rachel, right?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"Wait... just listen.  For starters, I have to tell you that... well... I didn't see Rachael when I came in."

"What? ...  You didn't? ...  But she was in the lobby... How could you not see her?"

"Don't interrupt.  Like I said... I didn't see Rachael.  When I came in, there was no one in the lobby except you.

'Hold on... I need you to hear what I have to say.

'Good, it's about time you were sitting down.

'Hazel said that since she started you have told her to keep Tuesday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 open for "Rachael." 

She said that on Tuesday mornings you come into the lobby at 9:00 and ask Rachael to come in and you go in your office... alone... and close the door.  Hazel said she has never seen Rachael.

'Sit back down...

'She said she could hear you talking during that hour... until about two months ago when everything went silent.  She said you would call Rachael in and she wouldn't hear anything for that hour.  Then you would walk out, open the front door, and go back in your office. 

'That's why she asked me to talk to you."

"But, how could she not see Rachael?  Hear her crying?  Some days she would sob so loudly for the entire hour."

"Hazel has been worried from the start.  After the first few times she would listen through the door to hear what you were saying. 

'Sit down!  I really need to you to listen."


"No! No talking.  Sit down.  This is important and will help you... and Rachael I hope.

'Thank you.

'From what little she could hear, Hazel started to put a few things together in her mind and she remembered something that happened a long time ago right here in this very building.

'Did you know that about 50 years ago the bottom floor of this building was a Hardware Store?

"No... I don't understand what..."

"Well, it was.  And the upper floors were used as the residence for the owner of the Hardware Store.  The owners were a husband and wife and they had two children.  A boy and a girl.  The girl lived in this very room.

'One night the Hardware Store caught on fire.  The family couldn't get out and they were all killed in the fire.  At the time of the fire, the boy was 16 and the girl was 19 years old.  The girls name was... Rachael."

"Oh my..."

"Hazel found a newspaper clipping about the accident.  There is a picture of the family.  Do you want to see it?"

"But... I don't... That's Rachel!  Oh my... but how?... why?..."

"You've been working in this building for more than a year.  Don't you ever talk to anyone else in the building?  Haven't you ever heard the piano in the lobby?  There are people who say this building is haunted.


'I don't have all of the answers to your questions.  But, I do believe that you have been talking to this girl.  I hope that she comes again."

"Yeah.  Me too."

"Oh... one other thing.  About two months ago... it was decided that this building will undergo major renovations.  The renovations will include the lobby, where that old piano is... and... um... sorry to tell you this, but your office will have a major overhaul.

'I know you haven't heard about it yet because you aren't part of that committee.  But, I thought I should tell you.  Maybe that's why..."

*One Week Later*

"Come in Rachael.  I'm glad you're here.

'Rachael... Um, I know what happened to you and your family.  I also know about the renovations and I'm worried about you.

'Okay, let's not think about that right now.

'Rachael, could you please tell me why you came to see me?"

"Because... You are the only one who sees me.  The only one who will listen to what I have to say.  You notice me and talk to me about things.  When I'm here I feel like someone again.  You make me feel like I really matter.  You are so kind to me.

'Thank you."

"You're welcome Rachael."



Thank you for reading my story!  

I'd love to hear your honest feedback.  What did you envision while you were reading?  Woman, man, both, one of each?  What kind of room did you imagine?  What did you think about the character Rachael?  Would you like to hear more of the story?


Don't forget to follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!


Friday, January 11, 2013

Lucky Tails?

There is a stretch of Redwood Road that we drive everyday where there's an 80% chance of smelling a skunk and/or seeing a deer.  It's terrible!

For the last 2 weeks or so there was a skunk in the middle of the left turn lane.  No one ever drives there because there's no where to turn unless you want to drive into a field.

For some reason we always talked about that poor stinky skunk.  Maybe we should have named it.  Instead we just rolled up the windows and turned off the fan as we drove by.  Sometimes, well usually, I would hold my breath because I knew what was coming.

We also went on about how funny it would be to have a business card that said:

That would be so funny!  "What do you do for a living?" "I'm a lawyer." "I'm a doctor." "I pick up road kill on Redwood Road."  HaHa!!

Anway, today we drove by the same place and all that was left of that poor stinky skunk was the tail.  Literally, the tail, not even the smell remained.  We thought about going back to take a picture it was so funny.  But instead my daughter said in a very hillbilly voice, "I got my rabbit foot and my skunk tail, I'm all set."

We laughed all the way home at that poor stinky skunk tail.  We're still laughing now.

Follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Giggle, Laugh, Cry, Smile...

What makes you giggle like a school girl/guy?  Here are few of my favorite "giggle" videos.  (Yep, totally copping out today on writing, since I'm so far behind.  But it did take me some time and research to find these videos.  I don't keep them in a file on my Evernote, just in case I need them at any given moment!  Seriously!  I don't...but I will start!) 

Here's one I found that makes me smile.  I like the proposals, but the short ones are the best!

Another one of my favorite things to see are the homecomings. Most of my family is in the military and homecomings are so sweet!

I'm also a BIG fan of the "Got Talent" shows. Little Robbie is the cutest little thing ever!

Here's why we should always be careful about what we put on Facebook, especially if we are going to go the Ellen Show!

Be sure to send me links to your favorite funny, cute, make me smile video!

Follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

P.S. This one I can't embed, it's been blocked from embedding, but it's one of my favorites!  Click on the pic and it will take you to YouTube.  Be sure to come back and comment!  (This one is kind of long, 7 min.  You may want to save it until after the comments...) 


Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Sick of Paperwork (Click photo for Link)
As you know, I'm a real estate virtual assistant.  I help real estate agents with their paperwork, marketing, blogging, social media, whatever they need help with I can do!  This time of year they are usually very busy.

My 8 agents sold over 170 homes last year and are, of course, wanting to do more this year.  That's a lot of paperwork!  (Shhh... I LOVE doing paperwork!  Kinda crazy I know, but I love it.  Feeling the folders beneath my fingers, getting an office set up to go paperless, making sure things are organized, making sure I can find and send off an Addendum on the fly gives me shear pleasure!  I love taking care of my agents!

Well, on top of them selling houses like crazy already this month, I'm trying to help them get ready for taxes.  I wasn't their assistant last year until May so all year they have just been shoving receipts into a folder.  This I knew, but wasn't sure if I would be helping with tax stuff yet so I didn't say anything.  All year I've been getting them to go paperless and getting the office organized.  (Teaching them how to work with me as their new addition.)  They haven't had an office manager for several years and were way unorganized!  Now, I'm going through the receipts and accounts, getting everything on Quickbooks, and getting them organized from 2012 and preparing them to be better prepared for 2013 so this doesn't happen in 2014.

People Trail (Click photo for Link)
I believe that having a paper trail of everything is THE most important thing any business owner, real estate agent... okay EVERYONE should have!  I like to scan and organize everything digitally so I can have access to it anywhere.  I have everything on a thumb drive that I take with me, or on my Evernote, or in a Dropbox. Depends on what it is and if I want it on the web, or if I'm going to share it with others.  This has saved me time and time again!

Here is my question to you... How do you keep track of receipts, bills, financial stuff?  For business or personal?  How do you keep yourself organized?  I would love to have some new tips I could use!  I'm always looking for great ways to stay organized.  Also, if you have a project you need help organizing, share it and we will all give you tips on how you could get it to work better for you.

Share you favorite organizational tip!  About anything!  Even if it doesn't have to do with paperwork...like toy boxes, trunk of your car, "junk" drawers in your kitchen, kids homework...anything.

Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Peeping Tom

RedOx1 (Click photo for source)
I am a people watcher.  I could watch people all day long.  If I didn't know better I could become a "Peeping Tom" because I find watching people so interesting.  (What do they call girl Peeping Toms anyway? Humm...)  Anway, I like to watch people when they don't know they are being watched.  See how they react to things when they don't know other people are watching or listening.  I wonder why people make the choices they make and do the things they do.  I'm just curious I guess.

I suppose being a Peeping Tom isn't really the right thing to say because that insinuates that I am somewhat of a pervert.  Which I am not.  I like to watch life happen, not watch private things that no outsider should be watching.

My husband does some security work at a Federal Building.  He watches security cameras while he's there and is able to watch people when they don't know they are being watched.  When they think they are "hiding" or in a "secluded" spot...except for the cameras!  lol!!  I can't even tell you about what he sees, because that's just not the kind of blog this is.  Some of the things he tells me that he sees people doing cracks me up!  I certainly don't have that much moxie...or should I say stupidity!!

When I worked at a local mall doing leasing I would enjoy going down and eating lunch in the Food Court and watching people.  This is a public type place, but you wouldn't believe how some people act.

If you were to "peep" into my home on a typical evening you would see 2 little girls (after having finished reading, homework, and cleaning) playing Wii, 1 medium girl working on clay projects, 1 older medium girl playing piano, me on the computer (of course), and my husband sitting next to me watching a movie.  That's only after we get dinner done, house cleaned, and settled.  Before that it would have been mayhem   But that is the part of the night I look forward to.

Right now if you looked into our house you would see me frazzled, behind on my work and blogging on the computer while my husband is sleeping.  (He has to work at midnight, so he has to sleep while the girls are at school.)

So, now it's your turn!  What would we see if we were to "peep" into your little world right now?

Feel free to comment below, click an emotion, or on the post on my Facebook wall!

Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!


Monday, January 07, 2013

Target Schmarket... and Naked Barbies

I saw a video this morning about finding your target market.  This is something I haven't really thought about for my personal blog.  I use this blog to write about so many different things.  I use it to test my blog posts for my business, to write about funny things that happen at home, to share my thoughts about books, movies, and life, about my struggles as a new business owner... Whatever crosses my mind at any given time... With this in mind, who is my target market?

I would like to eventually be able to have ad words or some other way for my site to make a little money on the side, have lots of followers, and especially readers that make comments and participate.  This means that I should really know who I'm writing to and for.  That would help with the out clicks.  How do I find my target market?

So, I'm asking all of you amazing bloggers out there.  Most of your blogs that I have read have one major thing you focus on...  How do I find my target market for my wacky blog with no main theme?

Or...am I doing it all wrong and should I make my blog more focused?  I can't promise I'll do that though.  That just isn't what I want to do.  I want to have a spontaneous blog where I can be free to write anything.

uhemm...  My sister-in-law hates having naked barbies around her house.  In the past she has always drawn on them with sharpies to make them look like they are wearing swimsuits.  Yesterday I was at her house (Playing Pirates Life...see previous post) and saw these barbies laying on the floor.  I thought they were so cute so I took a picture (with her permission).  She used nail polish this time to make these super cute swimsuits.  She said it stays on longer and doesn't wash off in the bath.  Great idea!  (If I used Pinterest I bet I could find this idea there, or put it on myself...)

Be sure to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts about how I can find my target market, how you found yours, and whatever else you want to tell me!

And be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

P.S.  Are you my target market?  If so, what would you like to have me ramble on about next?


Sunday, January 06, 2013

My Sister Wanted 'Shrooms?! From My Daughter!

 My 14 year old daughter wants to be everything when she grows up.  It's good that she's not in a huge hurry to grow up!  She needs to figure out a few things first.  She is a very talented artist and writer.  Sometimes she writes stories and brings them to me to read and they blow my mind.  I keep asking her if she copied it from another book or something.  Her imagination is HUGE and it is awesome!

A few years ago I went in her room and found a bunch of bags of rocks under her bed in big ziplock bags. I asked her why she had so many rocks under her bed.  She said she had decided she was going to be geologist and was collecting rocks.  She wanted to get a rock polishing kit and start examining each one.  It was pretty funny because the rocks she had collected looked more like a bunch of large dirt clods and were not very unique at all.  Boy did she cry when I told her I couldn't let her have all of those rocks in her room.  I told her if she founds some smaller, unique rocks I would be glad to let her keep them.  Shortly after that she decided not to be a geologist anyway so it worked out.

However this created another dilemma for her.  She wanted to be able to collect something and asked me what might be good to collect.  After some long discussions I told her about a business card collection I had and how it could also come in handy!  She started collecting business cards and has saved me several times by looking up phone numbers for me. I bought her some holders and she has them in a binder.  She has 250 now!  Quite a collection.

Anyway, her latest thing is drawing, painting, and most importantly sculpting!  She wants to start a company called Yo-Semedy and sell her sculptures.  She posted on her Facebook page that she was taking orders.  It surprised me that people actually wanted to have her make something without having seen anything she had done.  However, she has an amazing art teacher who helped her find the products she needed and offered to fire her sculptures for her when they are done.

Her first order came from my little sister who wanted some 'shrooms.  Not sure why that's what she chose, but you can see the final product (above) turned out pretty awesome.  We had a tough time shipping it, but it was worth it!  (Just remember, if you children create something to take a picture BEFORE you ship it!  lol!  She loves those 'shrooms!)

Right now, she still has orders for a wolf, a native american Indian (for her school, The Braves), more flowers, a manticore, and a few other things.  If you would like something, just let me know and we will see what we can do!

Pretty soon I'll be helping her finalize her logo, build a Facebook and Twitter page, get a YouTube Channel, and she is working on an inventory of items for purchase.  I'll keep you all posted!

What does your child collect?  What do you do to support and encourage their creativity?

Be sure to follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

P.S.  I wrote this with the encouragement of my daughter.  She is super excited to start this little business and wants me to get the word out.  As I was thinking of a blog topic she suggested it.  Thanks!


Saturday, January 05, 2013

Family Game Night ROCKS!

We have a great time playing games at our house.  We love getting all of our kids together and playing games.  It gets loud and we have tons and tons of fun!  Everyone is a good sport, and thinks it just as fun to loose as it is to win.  (Most of the time.)  

Here are a few of the games our family enjoys playing.  (Just a few.)  I won't go into details on how to play each one.  However, you can click on the name of the game and be linked to a site where you can read about the game and even buy it if you desire.

 Words with Friends

Have you played Words with Friends (fancy scrabble)?  My daughter and I have played a few times on our iPads and iPhones, but today we bought the board game.  We have been having a lot of fun!  It's an excellent game for learning new words and practicing spelling.  My daughter is really good and is kicking my tail! (We got this at Wal-Mart today for $14.99.  If you get it online it looks like you may pay more, or we could have ended up with an after holiday discount.)  Option for family rules... use the cheat!  It's actually kind of fun and you can learn more words for the next time you play.  We use our phone or iPad and go to Scrabble Finder.  When we do this we add a time limit!  My word today was QAT.  Got me 33 points!  Yeah Baby!


We LOVE this game!  This is not a very common game, and is also all about words.  It is our families favorite for sure.  If you haven't played, you like card games and word games then you will love this game too.  Be sure to try it the next family game night you have and let me know how much you love it!  You can't just go down to a local convenience store and buy it.  We had to order it online.  It's not very expensive.  I think we paid like $12-13.  You will want to have a spelling computer or dictionary close by!  But don't worry, even the little kids can play this one.  The cards are excellent quality which is nice.  Even more sturdy than our next favorite game....

Uno - Uno Attack

We like Uno, but we love Uno Attack!  Cards flying, people yelling... if you can't tell, we are kind of a loud family.  Uno is inexpensive and can be found just about anywhere, including gas stations!  Uno Attack is more expensive, but worth the expense if you have been playing Uno, love it, and just want to bump it up a notch.  When you're putting this one away you'll want to check around the floor for any cards that were missed.  They come out fast and furious!


My sister has every monopoly game ever made I think!  She has 37 that we can count in the photos. She has quite an impressive collection of games!  This is one of my personal favorite games from when I was little.  My brothers and sisters and I loved playing this game.  We would play right until the end.  If someone only had $1 we would start writing IOU's and keep playing.  I think this game is where I learned to love board games so much.  Sadly, my kids don't really like to play it because it takes so long.  "It's a great way to practice math though!" is probably not the best reason to give your kids to get them to play. LOL!  I'm sure you have all seen a fun monopoly game or two in your lifetime.  I would love to know what YOUR favorite version is!


This is another game that you can't just walk down to the store and buy.  It sure is fun though.  And very simple!  It uses counting, spelling, and music symbols.  The cards are see-through and it's super cool! Anyone can play this game.  If your child is still little, the cards are a little slippery so they may need a little help.  And we suggest, because the cards are slippery, to be sure to get them in the fun little tin so they stay safe and together.

Game of Life - Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest Edition 

This is a very expensive game, but if you like Pirates of the Caribbean and you like playing Life you will LOVE this game!  We do!  It's one of our favorites.  Even the little girls love playing and seeing which character they get and which boat.  They haven't seen the movies because they are only 9 and 12 and they get scared at Davy Jones, but they love the game.  Your ultimate goal is to have Jack Sparrow, The Black Pearl, and the monkey!  


I'm so used to having mostly girls in the house all the time.  When we were doing our Christmas shopping last month I was trying to think of a fun game that boys might enjoy more than cards.  Something where they could get their energy out...inside the house.  That's when we saw the dart games.  Let me tell you!  My girls enjoy this as much as my boys!  They have so much fun playing this game.  There are lots and lots of different choices of dart games out there and they range in price from not too expensive to WAY expensive.  We still aren't sure of the rules.  It seems there are about 50 ways to play darts!  I had no idea!


This is another classic from my childhood.  I didn't know if my kids would like it, but they love it!  And it isn't very expensive and it's very easy to teach to younger children.  (shhh... also good for improving math skills...)

Alright!  Now it's your turn!

What family games does your family play?  

What family rules do you have when you play?  

Don't forget to follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!


Friday, January 04, 2013

Seriously? Seriously!?

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?  It's one of my favorite shows.  I didn't start watching it until it has been on  for several seasons and now thanks to Netflix I can watch all 8 seasons anytime.  (Like I have time...)

Anyway, one of the things that the characters say often is "Seriously? Seriously!?" and then a door is slammed or someone stomps away dramatically.  I love it!  My daughter and I use these words quite often and laugh after.

Yep, I got her into it also.  She's 16 and wants to go into the medical field so she loves it as much as I do. We even try to diagnose each other when we are sick using all the medical terms we learn watching.  It's hilarious!

Until.... I feel like slamming a door and stomping away dramatically!  Then things really do get serious.

I just sent my daughters off to school and as I walked away from the front door back to my room I think I said "Seriously!!!!!????!!!!" at least 5 times!  My house is a mess!  So, what I want to know is how do you deal with your children not doing their chores?  What's the trick to saving me some "Seriously!!!!!????!!!!" comments?

Now, before you start let me make it very clear.... I have terrific and very talented daughters.  They all said they loved me and gave me a hug before they left (probably thinking about how I'll clean the house before they get home, JK!) and told me to have a good day.  They are all supportive of my 2 businesses even though it sometimes takes away from my time with them.  They also clean when they get home.

However, it would be sooo nice to have a clean house when they leave!  Most of the time, I admit, my OCD takes over and I'll clean up most of the house.  I at least do the dishes, vacuum, pick up the clutter, clean the bathrooms, mop, dust, organize the bookshelves.... Okay, FINE!  I clean most of the house, but I want them to do it in the morning!  I'm here most every day and I have a hard time working until the house is clean.

Would love to hear your thoughts on how you get your children to get their chores done in the evening, AND in the mornings.

Be sure to like my Facebook Page and Join me on Twitter!


Thursday, January 03, 2013

Kissing and 2012

2012 was supposed to be the end of the world.  Well, it's a very good thing it wasn't.  I wasn't ready!  There are still way too many things to learn and do!

What I learned in 2012:

Having a loving husband who likes to kiss and touch is the best thing in the world!  My husband is affectionate to perfection!  He holds my hand when we are driving, when we are walking, when we are just sitting and talking, in private and in public.  He puts his arm around me and holds me.  He kisses me tenderly before leaving for work, when he gets home from work, and just whenever he feels like it... which is very often.  I won't go into details, because that's not the kind of blog this is, but let me just say that 2012 is the first time I've had a husband who is affectionate for an entire year!  And it's wonderful!  I encourage all of you to find it.

Now, here's a great place to post some quotes from other sites that have great ideas on how to help, but I honestly laughed out loud at some of the articles that I've read on how to have a more affectionate relationship   They were just down right funny!  So, here's where you all chime in.

What suggestions do you have for those who don't have an affectionate marriage?

How can we encourage our husbands to be more affectionate?

Let's hear what you have to say!

A few of my suggestions...

Be more affectionate yourself:  When you are talking by your husband reach out and touch him.  Put your hand in his hair, touch his shoulder, let your hands just find him and make that physical connection.

Plan dates!  This is huge!  Especially if you both work, or if there are children, or both. Schedule a time to go on dates each week, or at least every other week.  We don't have a lot of money, so a few weeks ago my husband made me dinner at home.  He bought some sparkling cider and candles!  He came in the house and walked me out to our fifth wheel where he had everything all set up.  He has spent all day cleaning and organizing and planning.  It was very, very romantic!

Let's hear what others have to say.  How do you make your relationship affectionate?

Let us know your suggestions AND questions!

Be sure to like my Facebook Page and Join me on Twitter!



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