Sunday, January 13, 2013

There's a Whole In My Bucket!

Everyone has the same amount of time every day.  24 hours, 1,440 minutes every single day.  So, how is it that there are people who can get more done in a day than others?  Well, I've found the answer!  There's in a while in my bucket of time!  Somewhere there are minutes seeping out a little at a time.

Okay, okay, I know that isn't true of course... but it feels like it.  Do you ever feel that you have so much to do you want to forgo sleep and food just to get caught up?  Like you looked at the clock only a few minutes ago, but now all of the sudden several hours have gone by.  It's very frustrating.

So, my question to you today is, how do you schedule your day so you can get everything done?  How do you catch up if you get behind?

Follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

P.S.  Found this super cute video today.  My kids have never heard this song.  LOL!  I remember singing it at camp every year.  There aren't very many videos out there of this song.  I may have my girls make one.  Pretty funny.


1 comment:

  1. Prioritize, schedule blocks of time to get like projects done, and delegate. Yes, the laundry needs done. No, it doesn't have to be done BY ME. Yes, dinner needs made every night. NO, it DOESN'T have to be cooked by me every night. This does not mean that we eat out every night. As a matter of fact, we eat out less than once a month. We don't eat Hamburger Helper or TV dinners, either. My husband does a lot of the cooking, we use our crockpot all.the.time, and we utilize leftovers to their fullest. :-)

    Another way to get ahead and stay on top of things is to set your schedule the day before so that your mind can rest at night instead of spending the night going, "Okay, I need to do XYZ, and then ABC, oh, and I can't forget to get 123 done before 3:00..."



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