Friday, January 11, 2013

Lucky Tails?

There is a stretch of Redwood Road that we drive everyday where there's an 80% chance of smelling a skunk and/or seeing a deer.  It's terrible!

For the last 2 weeks or so there was a skunk in the middle of the left turn lane.  No one ever drives there because there's no where to turn unless you want to drive into a field.

For some reason we always talked about that poor stinky skunk.  Maybe we should have named it.  Instead we just rolled up the windows and turned off the fan as we drove by.  Sometimes, well usually, I would hold my breath because I knew what was coming.

We also went on about how funny it would be to have a business card that said:

That would be so funny!  "What do you do for a living?" "I'm a lawyer." "I'm a doctor." "I pick up road kill on Redwood Road."  HaHa!!

Anway, today we drove by the same place and all that was left of that poor stinky skunk was the tail.  Literally, the tail, not even the smell remained.  We thought about going back to take a picture it was so funny.  But instead my daughter said in a very hillbilly voice, "I got my rabbit foot and my skunk tail, I'm all set."

We laughed all the way home at that poor stinky skunk tail.  We're still laughing now.

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  1. That is kinda sad. I don't stop for that kind of thing either. I don't carry rubber gloves in the car with me, but perhaps this would have been an occasion to consider it.


  2. This reminded me of a trip I took with my daughter- there was one highway that we named "Dead Skunk Alley". We were out in the middle of no-where, and there were way too many dead skunks. We still laugh about it and it's been many years ago.
    Just like you'll be laughing at your rabbit's foot and skunk tail!

  3. Thank you for your comments! It was sad and funny at the same time. It's actually illegal to stop on that road to do anything about the dead animals. Plus the road is super busy all the time. Usually they would come pick up the animals almost daily, but that poor little skunk tail in the middle of the road was there for so long.



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