Friday, January 04, 2013

Seriously? Seriously!?

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?  It's one of my favorite shows.  I didn't start watching it until it has been on  for several seasons and now thanks to Netflix I can watch all 8 seasons anytime.  (Like I have time...)

Anyway, one of the things that the characters say often is "Seriously? Seriously!?" and then a door is slammed or someone stomps away dramatically.  I love it!  My daughter and I use these words quite often and laugh after.

Yep, I got her into it also.  She's 16 and wants to go into the medical field so she loves it as much as I do. We even try to diagnose each other when we are sick using all the medical terms we learn watching.  It's hilarious!

Until.... I feel like slamming a door and stomping away dramatically!  Then things really do get serious.

I just sent my daughters off to school and as I walked away from the front door back to my room I think I said "Seriously!!!!!????!!!!" at least 5 times!  My house is a mess!  So, what I want to know is how do you deal with your children not doing their chores?  What's the trick to saving me some "Seriously!!!!!????!!!!" comments?

Now, before you start let me make it very clear.... I have terrific and very talented daughters.  They all said they loved me and gave me a hug before they left (probably thinking about how I'll clean the house before they get home, JK!) and told me to have a good day.  They are all supportive of my 2 businesses even though it sometimes takes away from my time with them.  They also clean when they get home.

However, it would be sooo nice to have a clean house when they leave!  Most of the time, I admit, my OCD takes over and I'll clean up most of the house.  I at least do the dishes, vacuum, pick up the clutter, clean the bathrooms, mop, dust, organize the bookshelves.... Okay, FINE!  I clean most of the house, but I want them to do it in the morning!  I'm here most every day and I have a hard time working until the house is clean.

Would love to hear your thoughts on how you get your children to get their chores done in the evening, AND in the mornings.

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  1. That's too funny. I think they stole it from me because I've been saying "seriously" for about 30 years now. My mom used to tease me about it as a teenager and now it's gone mainstream! With cleaning... what works for my niece and nephew is to have them reap some kind of reward if they clean "before they go to bed" - that way the mess isn't so bad in the morning. It takes work though!

  2. My house is usually pretty clean when they go to bed, but in the mad rush to get ready in the morning they make such a mess! This morning as I was talking to my husband I decided to try something a little different. I'm going to try to get them up 15 minutes earlier and tell them we will be making sure things are picked up before they leave. Cross your fingers! They are girls...and that 15 minutes could end up getting "burned" off in front of the mirror! haha

  3. Hi Sheila. Hilarious!! I have a seven year old daughter, and we don't watch Grey's Anatomy but for some reason, she says Seriously! all the time. Wonder where she got it from....! As for chores, I also have a 12 year old son, and I require that both him and his sister clean their rooms before they are allowed to watch tv or play games. It works quite well. As for the rest of the house, I as well go a little crazy and before I know it, I've cleaned the whole house even after I've asked for help from the kids. I think as moms, we just do that!

  4. I'm just impressed they get to school on time. My kids are furry with tails, so I have enough just getting them walked, fed, and emptied so I can get to work.

  5. I have found that having a good NIGHTtime routine makes morning soooo much easier! I am NOT a morning person, so anything I can do to squeeze in more "wake up time" in the morning is worth me taking a few minutes at night, when i don't HAVE to be somewhere, easier to get things done then in the morning when I am half awake, tired and NOT in the mood for conversation or chores.
    NIGHT BEFORE "To Do List":
    Choosing the clothes the night before.
    Putting materials needed "to go" by the door (backpack, purse, Keys)
    Setting up the coffee machine (I don't drink coffee, but my husband does)
    Making sure the dishwasher runs
    Finishing the Laundry (I never leave a load in the washer, I hate wetness too long, I will leave a load in the dryer though...moments of reheat is fine)
    Feed the pet
    Tidy up

    Then my mornings run smoothly and the only thing I have to do is get myself ready and MAKE MY BED!
    I read once that making your bed is good feng shui, it sets your day with everything in the right place, plus I think it makes your room look more organized.
    It is a BIG SPACE out of place when the cover are all messed up!) and how many of us LOVE when we stay at a hotel and housekeeping has come and made the bed, EVERYTHING seems fresh and new! :)
    I even have time to MEDITATE (wake up more, LOL!) in the morning with everything done at night. :)
    Thank you for allowing me to share.
    wishing you more peaceful mornings! <3

  6. We've worked hard to establish the expectation of doing chores since our kids were young (right now my kids are 11, 9 and 6). We write out chores that they have to do each day before they can watch TV or use any technology. The main thing that we do is that we do the chores with them.

  7. I was frequently accused of being a Nazi mom because I insisted that all important things be prepared for the next day on the night before. Homework was done, the house tidied up and lunches made and Friday was absolutely room cleaning day, no exceptions. It's hard to be strict because the other moms make fun of you, tell you you're mean or 'not cool'. It's not my job to be cool, it's my job to teach the niblets how to be full grown ears of corn that can take care of their own cobs.

  8. That is a favorite word in our household as well and we don't even watch that show. Isn't it amazing how one t.v. show can spread throughout our entire culture, even if people don't watch it?

  9. I am in the same situation, I can't start to work until my kitchen is cleaned. Then I work and do power cleaning moments when I get up to throw in another load of clothes. However, it destroys my moment I have going with my work flow.. Love Love Grey's can't believe they let "Little Grey" and "McSteamy" die....

  10. I KNOW Eleanor! It was a very sad day indeed. And my daughter took over a month to get around to that episode and I couldn't talk about it to her the entire time! UG! lol!

  11. Thanks for the comments everyone! We have chores every night and things are all done when they go to bed. Rooms clean, homework done, house clean, etc... but in the mad rush for morning, WOW! They can make a huge mess! So, we are starting to get up 15 minutes earlier on Monday and we are going to have an "every body clean up" 15 minutes. Hopefully it works! Thanks for sharing all of your ideas! It's been so fun having comments!



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