Sunday, January 03, 2010

New Year's 2010

So. I stayed up until 2:00 a.m.! I haven't stayed up that long in over 10 years. There comes a time in a woman's life when staying up late really does take away from beauty sleep. You see, the bags come out under the eyes, the grumpy comes out, the house goes to pot, the kids are grumpier, no food gets cooked, and mom eats more than she should.
So, New Year's Eve was fun then New Year's Day I paid the price. Nothing got done except arguing and sitting around. Oh well. It is what it is and it was fun because we did it together.
My 6 year old fell asleep at 10:00 My 8 year old had strep and cried all night My 11 year old made it until 1:00 then walked to her room while sleeping My 13 year old did homework until 5 (she is behind..haha)
It was a fun time. Can't wait until next year! Yeah...we'll see.
To all of you friends who went to bed before 2:00 :: You are all wimps! I expect more from you in 2011! :: Actually next year I want to have someone with me as well as my children.

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