Thursday, January 07, 2010

Trash Day

So this morning at 6:00 a.m. after a very long night of waking up every 2 hours or so, I heard the trash truck coming. Well there are two things I'm used to every Thursday and those are 1) someone already took the trash out and 2) the trash truck usually comes around 7:00 a.m. It was at 6:05 a.m. that I realized that the trash had in fact not be taken out. So I rush downstairs in my jammies, pulled on my boots, jerked my jacket on, unlock the door, and rushed down the street with the overflowing trashcan sliding around on the street ice, when the head lights of the truck are shinning on me. He was at the house right next to mine and was kind enough to wait until I completed my task. I was quite a sight I'm sure. Hair a mess, no make-up (oh the horror) and in my jammies. The good thing was that I hadn't worn my leopard silk jammies. I had worn my "man" jammies. You know the ones that men usually wear. Well! They're comfortable OK? Tomorrow is recycle day. Let's hope that goes a little better. Because when I got back to bed I was shivering so bad I couldn't go back to sleep. It would have been awesome to call someone though. So I would know I wasn't the only one awake at 6:07 in the morning.

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