Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Computer

It appears I need a new compter.  Problem?  Money.  Problem?  I need one right away.  My computer is almost out of memory and has several other problems that can't really be fixed without downloading more stuff.  Like Microsoft Office that I so conviently and accidently deleted!  Smart eh?  Well, there is no one in my house to really help me with the computer so I have made some fatal errors.  Give me a break.  I can't be smart and amazing about everything I do. 

I have a friend who could build one for me.  A regular computer for about $300 or a laptop for about $600.  Of course a laptop would be ideal but I don't know how I can ever afford one.  It all comes back to the fact that I have to find a job soon so I can afford to get the computer, and food, and clothes, and electricity, and all of that other stuff too.  Lame!  I hate money!

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