Thursday, March 04, 2010

Shopping and Sleeping

Shopping I hate!  Becca has taken me shopping everyday this week for one thing or another.  I love spending time with her so that isn't so bad.  The best way to shop though is on-line!  Especially with Becca.  She can find stuff for cheap or free.  Anything!  She can even find things you didn't even know you would be looking for.  Like birthday gifts. 

I just updated my annual birthday list. Fun? NO! I like sending birthday cards and gifts. I don't like trying to remember when they are and what those people like. But, have no fear! Becca is here! She helped me find come great gifts on-line in less than 10 minutes!

The other best thing about on-line shopping is the impulse buying. There isn't any of this standing in line and grabbing something in the check out. You go on, get what you want, and go off. The other problem shopping outside of the house is getting a treat here and there. It's all adding up and I refuse to eat anything outside of my house for at least a week! I have even given up Cherry Pepsi! My favorite thing! Bring on the pancakes.

She is also WAY good at posting and selling things. She sold my treadmill in 10 minutes! She has sold several of her things too. She is good!

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