Monday, April 05, 2010

Sound of Music

While here in AZ I thought I would take the girls to see the HS presentation of Sound of Music.  We love going to plays and have seen this play several times.  Well, after paying $26.00 tonight I don't know if I could ever sit through one again without asking how it is first.  Let's just say it wasn't the best.  I suppose it could have been worse.  But not much.  I won't go into details, and I won't go see the play again either.  Oh well, I had 3 hours to spare and $26.00 laying around so I thought I would "donate" it to the local high school. 

When we were leaving a car backed out too fast and hit the one behind.  That was almost worth the money.

I think the girls and I will watch the movie while we are here to make up for the bad tast in our mouths.  And, since we will be here we can have food!  Sweet!

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